Monday, 8 May 2017

Games marketing

You need to come up with at least 1 individual marketing text each within your production groups, but most of you should aim to produce more.

You will be presenting your games and marketing on a stall at the final KS3 assembly, possibly creating materials such as this...

There are many things you can do ...

  • magazine ad
  • poster
  • game cover
  • TV ad
  • merchandise:
    • tee-shirts
    • badges
    • pens
    • mugs
    • toys
    • board game
    • mouse mat ... and many more!
  • downloadable content:
    • wallpapers
    • ringtones
  • YouTube channel content:
    • game walkthroughs
    • interview with game creator/s
  • tie-ins
    • cereal packet
    • soft drink bottle/can
    • sweet/chocolate wrappers etc!
  • UGC/fan art
  • just some suggestions! See PowerPoint below for some examples

SOME USEFUL SITES (may be blocked in school for games topic)
GETANDROIDSTUFF Android games for girls (but useful examples of marketing for children generally)


Some videos on advertising to children

Monday, 27 February 2017


UPDATE 3/3/17: Videos should now be enabled.
Over the next few weeks you will learn how to use Scratch, creating algorithms to control features on screen ... then apply this to your own game concept ... before joining up with others to form a company and create marketing materials for your company stall at a games expo event!

Using the video resources at, create projects which include these elements - save each time you do a new step under a new name (that means you start from Scratch each time!).
Read carefully the instructions below; do not move on until you've fully read + understood the instructions for each step.

For Step 1 you need to click Join Scratch. For Step 2 etc you need to click CREATE, then immediately name the new project. Once you have you can click FILE-SAVE (or download to PC), and save it in your SCRATCH/EXPERIMENTS folder.

Save any login info you need somewhere you won't lose it - you could send yourself an email, or use the contacts function with your school gmail to save this.