Thursday, 27 September 2012

Yr8 EXCEL chart task: key points

For this task you need to  (1) design a survey; collect responses; tally up the totals for each possible answer you gave; (2) enter the data into an Excel spreadsheet; (3) display your results as a pie chart or graph (using the instruction sheet provided); and (4) finally assess someone else's work while they assess yours!

You need to follow these steps for a successful outcome:
You can create a pie chart or a bar chart/graph
  1. Create a question that most of your class have a reasonable chance of answering!
  2. Provide 4 or 5 possible answers, plus 'other' so that anybody who wouldn't choose any of your possible answers still has something to select
  3. Examples would be 'which of these is the best film/TV show/pop band/football team/country/city/food' or 'who will win the premier league/championship/formula one title/next football world cup'. These are just a couple of examples.
  1. For your spreadsheet, put the title into cell 1A, eg '8AHF's favourite pop bands'
  2. You can change the font and size so that this stands out
  3. Skip a row: go to row 3 next
  4. In cell 3A write the category (eg film, country, team; whatever your question asked) - one word will probably be enough
  5. In cell 3B write 'total'
  6. From cell 4A and working down column A type in the choices you gave on your survey form
  7. If any of your choices is a number (eg the film 300 was used in a list of best films) then put single quote marks '' around the name so that software recognises this as a word and not a number
  8. You may need to expand the border of column A so that the full word/title can be seen: if so, click off from any individual cell; hover the mouse between the border line separating columns A and B until you see the icon change and then simply drag the column A border over to the right
  9. From cell 4B and working down column B type in the totals
  1. Save your work! Either hold in the Ctrl button and press S or File/Save As.
  2. BEFORE you start generating a graph/chart, check you've not left a blank column, have missed out row 2, have put category + total in 3A and 3B, and have created a spreadsheet precisely like the example shown earlier!
  3. If you really want to add a border, hold in the Ctrl button and click on this link to read this post with instructions.
  1. Now follow the instructions in the Publisher document Differentiated help sheet which you can find in the Y:\ICT\KS3\Year 8\Charts folder (the Y drive is the curriculum share folder you see when you open My Computer)
  2. When you reach stage 5 on this helpsheet make sure you also check the box for category name.
  3. In the final step change the setting in 'As object in' to Sheet 2 (it is set to sheet 1 automatically).
  4. If you think you've gotten everything right you're ready to have the person beside you go through the checklist to note which parts you've successfully completed! When they're ready you can check theirs. Put their full name on the sheet you're writing on (I'll collect all of these in before you go).
  5. You can put your data collection sheet into the recycling bin.
  6. If you've done all of this you could spend a little time on yout Independent Learning assignment, which must be handed in by Friday 26th October - you can see some instructions in this post.

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Yr8 Independent Learning September-October

THE TASK: Create a guide to using the audio software Audacity to show someone new to it how to use it
'INDEPENDENT LEARNING'?: You work on this outside of lesson time (at home or lunchtime for example)
WHERE ARE THE INSTRUCTIONS: You can find information below, but you must download the two documents from the SLG or save from the curric share folder: instructions and a document to write in.
WHAT DO I PRODUCE: You pick the software: PowerPoint, Photostory, iMovie - all of these and more would work well. You also complete the Autumn1 section of the learning log.
CAN I SEE AN EXAMPLE: Yes - scroll down!
DEADLINE? WHERE DO I HAND IT IN? Before your last lesson this half-term. Copy/paste it into the hand-in folder on the curriculum share drive, looking for the folder for your teacher and class.

In addition to the general work we do in lessons you have some independent work to undertake and to hand in by Friday 26th October, the last day before the half-term holidays. You hand it in by saving it in the the hand-in folder within the curriculum share folder/ICT. (Y:\ICT\Hand-in)
Your task is to create a user guide for Audacity - see for details (log in to SLG and go through students, curriculum areas, ICT, KS3 Independent Learning)
You will need to download the documents there.

Don't leave it to the last minute!

Here's an example of what you might do: Matthew Cook (8LO) has produced a PowerPoint with a nice background, clear and specific instructions, and screenshots to help readers to follow his instructions. The sample below is not Matthew's full guide, just a few slides to give you an idea. Remember too that you can also create video work and use other software besides PowerPoint.
How to Use Audacity Matthew Cook Sample Only

WHAT IS AUDACITY? - Its a piece of software which you can download and use for free ('freeware'), used by millions of people for recording and editing audio, eg for creating podcasts.
MY LAPTOP/COMPUTER IS A MAC/LINUX... - This software is designed to work on all the common operating systems, so you will find a version that will work on your computer.
Screenshot of the Audacity website.
I DON'T HAVE A COMPUTER AT HOME... - Audacity is installed on the school computers, so you can do your independent work task while at school!
HOW/WHERE DO I HAND IT IN? - Check that each file is saved with a clear file name: YourName Audacity Guide (eg, Joe Smith Audacity Guide). Copy and paste into the Hand-in folder on the curriculum share folder (Y:\ICT\Hand-in)
WHAT DO I NEED TO INCLUDE? - Read the instructions included in the PowerPoint file you can download from the SLG (see above); you can also read this document below but remember there are TWO documents to download. You also complete the Autumn1 section of the learning log.
WHERE DO I FIND AUDACITY? - The link for their website is included in the PowerPoint file, though remember you can access it on the school computers. This is the link:

Year 8 Term1

Yr7 Independent Learning September-October

In addition to the general work we do in lessons you have some independent work to undertake and to hand in by Friday 26th October, the last day before the half-term holidays. You hand it in by saving it in the the hand-in folder within the curriculum share folder/ICT. (Y:\ICT\Hand-in)

Your task is to plan and write a letter - see for details (log in to SLG and go through students, curriculum areas, ICT, KS3 Independent Learning)
You will need to download the documents there.
You also complete the Autumn1 section of the learning log.
Don't leave it to the last minute!

The PowerPoint document with instructions can be viewed below, but make sure you download all the documents you need (you can also access these through an IndLng folder within the ICT folder on the curriculum share folder).

Year 7 Term 1

Yr8 PHOTOSHOP: Improving photos

YEAR 8: Your challenge: to learn how to apply a range of Photoshop tools to enable you to improve and transform a range of damaged photos. You will then promote this valuable skill by launching a new photo improvement shop, creating a logo and slogan for this and finally a brochure to showcase what your business can offer to the public, including several before and after snaps!
For two lessons you will be learning how to touch up photographs using various Photoshop tools, then applying these skills to a range of photos you'll include within a brochure ...
After your two lessons working with Photoshop you'll work in Publisher to create a company logo and then a brochure for a business which takes in and improves damaged or poor photographs (you might use other software such as Flash to help create your logo).

An example of an old photo a customer might bring to you

Here are a few tips on which tools to use for improving photos in Photoshop...

This won't always work well, but is worth a try. Click ENHANCE from the top menu and try out a few of the options to see what effect these have. This is worth trying out with a new image, but as often as not you'll want to undo (Ctrl + Z) the changes.

This is arguably the most important tool you have to improve photos with cracks, folds, dirt etc. Remember, you need to hold in the ALT key to select the part of the image you want to clone, and you'll need to redo this as you move around. The x that appears marks the spot that you cloned. Experiment with the brush too. This site has great videos to help guide you step by step: You could also use this detailed, more text-based, guide:
By using the clone tool I've begun to fix the image!

Modern cameras are getting better at avoiding this, but many photographs, old and new, still have this redeye effect. Unless your subject really is a demon you'll want to correct that! When using this tool remember you can experiment with the light/darkness settings to make it more realistic. There's a useful guide at

As you discover useful tools, make a note so you can find and use them again
This article ( takes you through the steps you need to apply a filter to create something very different from the original photograph, a service that might help your photo editing business attract some customers! You can experiment with many more filters than the ones shown here.
Also try out FILTER > DUST + SCRATCHES and experiment to see if this can undo some damage to save you a long time using the clone stamp tool.

Check the brushes available to see if these offer the ability to make changes to sections of your final image. See this guide: Here's another guide, much more detailed than the first with information on what settings to change:

You can choose from many frame styles
Especially for photos that you've made to look like paintings by applying certain filters, its useful to be able to offer your customers a framing service so they can hang the image you produce on the wall. Framed images are also popular as gifts! Try clicking through LAYERS > EFFECTS > FRAMES and experiment. Note that frames can only be added right at the end - to a single, flattened layer.
Look at the options on the right of your screen - just above the Layers palette you get the Styles and Effects palette. Select Effects from the first dropdown menu and frames from the second, then pick and modify your frame. 

In the second lesson of four on this you're ready to start taking in orders and turning damaged photos into flawless photos that customers will be thrilled with! You can find a range of damaged photos in the CUSTOMERS PHOTOS folder within the curriculm share/ICT/KS3/Yr8/Photoshop folder. The more of these you can work through the more before-and-after shots you can use in your brochure to tempt in the customers! You could copy some of these into your own My Documents and work on a couple over a lunchtime or two as well!

Not ideal, but if you're struggling to fix 3 photos here's a quick method. This is Photo1 and I've selected the crop tool and drawn round an area which cuts out the fold and tear. Once I click on the green tick I get...
It may not be quite what the customer wants, but we can do this partial fix very quickly. We can also try the auto smart fix from the ENHANCE menu at the top of the screen
ENHANCE>autofix options are hit and miss, but here they've worked quite well to sharpen the image, although we can take more control over sharpening by trying FILTER>SHARPEN from the top menu

We could also add a frame...
...and here it is; hopefully the customer will pay good money for this as a gift (at least once you've also removed the other small bits of wear and tear!)